
Wenham Carter has delivered on over 4,000 searches across 5 continents since we were founded in 2001, meticulously mapping out the top performing leaders and amassing market intelligence across our specialist sectors over 17 years. Our CEO & Leadership practice has built an extensive network of C-Suite executives across the TMT industry and with leaders in Digital Transformation and the top Women in Technology. We have access to key data points enabling us to quickly identify the top performers in the technology industry.

We are a disruptive challenger brand within TMT search, offering an alternative to business who have suffered from long lead-times and poor quality short-lists. Dynamic and highly specialist, we work with clients to tailor projects and time-scales according to their needs, and deliver short-lists in 3-6 weeks.

We work to strengthen the executive search and selection process for our clients through our leadership assessment services, providing comprehensive reports from business psychologists and expert consultants to give you the insight you need to ensure you hire the very best leader for your organisation; mitigating risk for your business and increasing confidence in your executive hiring strategy.